Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cruising Again

After what seems like an age (about a month) in and around Toul,
we’re both really enjoying being on the move again. We completed our journey on the Canal de la Marne au Rhin and are now heading South on the Canal entre Champagne et Bourgogne. The weather has been very mixed – some very hot, sunny days and others much cooler with lots of rain.

Our friends from Toul drove over to meet us along the way - 6 days cruising for us took them about 45 mins in their camper van! That was a sunny day and we spent a great afternoon/evening together.

We made it through the Mauvages Tunnel – our longest so far at nearly 5km – without too many scrapes along the side. It’s really difficult to steer in a straight line when you’re in a narrow channel.

Bar-le-Duc was an interesting stopover. The old town is full of renaissance architecture – very ornate building facades, seemingly unchanged since the 16th century.

The church of Saint-Étienne has a skeletal statue of the Prince of Orange. Apparently, his widow wanted to see what he would look like 3 years after his death in 1544.

Orconte was our home for a couple of days - we met some interesting people there. A Swedish/Dutch couple on a sailing yacht moored behind us and we spent the evening together. They are on their way to the Mediterranean and then maybe further South and West. David told them all about crossing the Atlantic and his adventures in the Caribbean.

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