Thursday, April 28, 2011

The first few weeks

We set off on Monday 4th April, much earlier than anyone expected after the party on Sunday! We didn't get very far before we found a nice, quiet, shady spot to tie up and recover.

The beginning of our journey was very slow and relaxed. The routine of cruising is surprisingly familiar after 5 months in port. I was a little apprehensive after our comfortable, safe winter but we've soon slipped into it again.

We didn't travel very far in a day and found some quiet spots to stop and savour the springtime. The canal sides were carpeted with great swathes of wild flowers - I've never seen so many cowslips - and the birdsong has been delightful, especially the nightingales.

Other highlights include:

Decize where we were able to buy a 12V fridge thanks to Gert. (Although our alternator is no longer working, but that's another story.)

Beaulon where we met some lovely people and had a great game of Boules. Albert and Anita, some friends from Nevers, drove over to visit us for the day. The village had everything we needed, including a Pizzeria. We much prefer to buy our produce locally, rather than visit the Supermarche.

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