Friday, April 29, 2011


We are currently in Fragnes for a couple of days before we head onto the river Saone. We had a few long days to get here after Jen & Pete left. The Canal du Centre is very wiggly and has many locks which all take time. On Monday 25th, we climbed up to the summit at Montchanin through 16 locks and 3 lifting bridges.

Tuesday, we began our descent and managed 23 locks - it's quicker going down. Some of the locks are quite deep and have floating bollards.

We reached Fragnes early afternoon on Wednesday after another 11 locks and were happy to stop for a while. There is a long quay here with a very helpful Capitaine and a great boulangerie right on the quay.

We will leave here tomorrow to head up the Saone to St Jean de Losne to have some work done on the boat and for me to get the train back to the UK on 12th May.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Weekend

We had our first staying guests over Easter weekend - Jen & Pete, my sister and brother-in-law. We weren't sure how it was going to work out with their car, sleeping on the sofa, no alternator, etc., but it all worked perfectly. We met them in Digoin and cruised as far as Genelard with a stop near Paray-le-Monial on the way. The weather was fabulous all weekend. We had picnic lunches, a barbecue, went out to dinner and to top it all on the last evening, David and Pete caught a humunguous trout and a chubb for tea! Unfortunately, we were so excited no-one thought to take a photo. In fact I don't have any photos of their visit at all as Pete was using his camera all the time. Perhaps you could send us some, Pete, or I'll copy them when I come home.

Paray-le-Monial has an interesting old town and Basilica. The outside of the Basilica is more interesting than its plain interior but it's clearly a big religious centre as there were loads of people staying there for Easter weekend.

On the way to Genelard, we passed a nice-looking Auberge at Digoine, near Palinges. Pete caught the train back to Digoin to pick up the car and drove us back there for dinner. Excellent value menu @ 21 euros. We had 4 courses including an amuse bouche, full choice of dessert from the menu and chocolate eggs with the coffee! Friendly staff and great food.

Jen & I visited the museum in Genelard which told the story of the line of demarcation between occupied France and the Vichy administration during WWII. I had no idea the Vichy area was so large - about 2/5 of the country. It wasn't something I knew much about but I had this vague idea of a tiny area in the South. The border went right through the middle of farms and estates. Everyone had to have a special passport, or Ausweis, to be able to cross the line and all post was censored. People had to send pre-printed postcards to keep in touch with family and friends, just filling in the gaps. The museum told lots of stories about how people worked around the rules and crossed the line illegally.

It was lovely to spend so much time together, we usually only see each other on a flying visit or with the rest of the family (when Jen is busy cooking).

The first few weeks

We set off on Monday 4th April, much earlier than anyone expected after the party on Sunday! We didn't get very far before we found a nice, quiet, shady spot to tie up and recover.

The beginning of our journey was very slow and relaxed. The routine of cruising is surprisingly familiar after 5 months in port. I was a little apprehensive after our comfortable, safe winter but we've soon slipped into it again.

We didn't travel very far in a day and found some quiet spots to stop and savour the springtime. The canal sides were carpeted with great swathes of wild flowers - I've never seen so many cowslips - and the birdsong has been delightful, especially the nightingales.

Other highlights include:

Decize where we were able to buy a 12V fridge thanks to Gert. (Although our alternator is no longer working, but that's another story.)

Beaulon where we met some lovely people and had a great game of Boules. Albert and Anita, some friends from Nevers, drove over to visit us for the day. The village had everything we needed, including a Pizzeria. We much prefer to buy our produce locally, rather than visit the Supermarche.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Moving on

I wrote this before we left Nevers but didn't get around to posting it. This was mainly due to the large amount of alcohol consumed at a leaving party - three boats left on 4th April. Still, at least I didn't have to be helped back to the boat...

Spring is here and it's time for us to start moving again. Initially, we're going to head for St Jean de Losne where we're going to have the keel cut off the boat. After that, we're not sure but will probably do some sort of loop to bring us back here for the winter again. Some of our friends will still be here so it'll be nice to come back to some familiar faces.

We don't have too much to do prepare to leave. David has installed a deck hoist to make it easier to get the motorbike on and off the boat. So, no more Evil Knievel type stunts over the gang plank. The dinghy is back on board and we have to take the mast down, which is a surprisingly easy job with the winch.